Mendek’s Affirmations

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I can let myself be spontaneous, as if the wind was my guide.

I choose to believe that wonderful things will come my way.


 I choose that which is beautiful and makes me smile.


I look for all that is delightful and celebrates life.


I comfort myself with love and understanding.

There is music within me. I dance to it.

Now is a good time to be cheerful. 

I breathe in forgiveness, I breathe out blame.
I breathe in humility, I breathe out arrogance .


I am glad for what I am. I need be no one else but me.


When I let go of my pride and my ego I have nothing to lose but my chains.


I promise myself to have a wonderful day today.
And I promise myself not to break my promise.


Everything I do, I give it my all.

The gift of love is the only gift that lasts forever.


When I accept myself as ordinary, everyone I meet is my brother or sister.

Fear and anger come and go, but only love is forever.


In a world of madness and sadness, we can be islands of love and hope.


What am I but what I choose to be? 
