
Today, I’m sharing one of our “Take a Moment” micro-meditations called, “Connect with Your Heart,” paired with a wisdom-packed quote by Deepak Chopra: “Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.”

One of the reasons I love this quote is that it encapsulates so much of my father’s healing journey. To access the “eternal sunshine” of peace, love and joy that my dad always sensed existed despite decades of unrelenting depression, my father had to heal the emotional wounds that had him frozen in the past and retrain his mind to break free from his ancient conditioning and entrenched thought patterns. My dad meditated every day because it helped him stay connected with his truest essence and live each moment anew, so that instead of being a "prisoner of the past," he was able to be a "pioneer of the future."

I hope you enjoy this lovely 90-second micro-meditation, where mindfulness and meditation teacher Katie Dutcher has us go within, connect with our hearts, and offer ourselves kind and loving attention. Even taking just two minutes to get quiet and turn inward can shift our energy and focus so that we’re able to stop reacting in the “same old way.”


Please visit our collection of twenty diverse “Take a Moment” micro-meditations—all just one to two minutes long—that make taking mindful pauses as easy as possible.