Keep Laughing!

This past February, I wrote a blog about the importance of laughter in our lives in which I shared some jokes and talked about how much my father loved to laugh and spread joy. I’ve collected some more jokes to share today, as well as some additional insights into why having a good sense of humor—the ability to perceive, appreciate and share the funny side of life—is always important, but can be especially helpful when facing big challenges. “When the going gets tough—laugh!” advises the wise psychotherapist and master astrologer, Debra Silverman. “Laughter is a healing balm for all of us. You know your inner ‘Observer’ is working when you are able to laugh at yourself and the situations that trigger you.”

On average, children laugh 300 times a day, while adults only laugh 17 times a day, with younger adults (18 to 34) laughing the most. Consciously bringing more laughter into our lives at every age can help us stay buoyant and thrive. Seeing the humor in the situations we’re facing and being able to laugh not only banishes seriousness and gloom, it helps us gain perspective, find acceptance and feel less anxious.

Myra having fun with her grandson, Feliciano

Myra having fun with her grandson, Feliciano

Myra’s grandchildren, Amada and Elián, enjoying the day!

Myra’s grandchildren, Amada and Elián, enjoying the day!


Laughter also reduces stress and the accompanying stress hormone cortisol, while generating an “endorphin-mediated opiate effect” which makes us feel happy even when we’re down, and increases our pain threshold.  Another added bonus of laughter is that it gives us a good internal workout that is healthy for our lungs and heart.

Joy is contagious and shared humor bonds people, which is why my husband and I enjoy watching silly comedy on TV together most nights before bed. After half an hour of smiling and laughing, I feel happy, lighthearted and optimistic. Sharing jokes that tickle our funny bone is another way to spread good humor, so here I go. Enjoy!


What did the science book say to the math book?

Wow, you’ve got problems.


Why did the golfer bring an extra pair of pants?

In case he got a hole in one.

Some people eat snails.

They must not like fast food.


What’s a balloon’s least favorite type of music?



Have you heard the one about the skunk?

Never mind, it really stinks.


Why does Humpty Dumpty love autumn?

Because he always has a great fall.

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Myra Goodman