Myra Introduces Hilary Nicholls 

Hilary Nicholls is a powerful intuitive and incredible healer that I’ve worked with for over a dozen years. So that I can enjoy my life more fully, she has helped me overcome many intense and stubborn fears, such as the fear of public speaking, and recurring fears about my son getting injured while playing high school football. When a friend or family member is struggling, Hilary is the first person I recommend. 

Hilary was an important collaborator during the many years I was working on Quest for Eternal Sunshine. When I felt confused about what my dad was meaning to convey, or insecure about the direction I was taking, Hilary was my go-to person. She was able to tune into my dad’s “energetic signature” and help me decipher the revelations he wanted to share. 

One of Hilary’s most lovely skills is leading beautiful, powerful, and pleasurable guided meditations. Learning to truly relax is a prerequisite to feeling safe in a human body living on this earth, and feeling safe is a prerequisite to healing, I commissioned her to make a series of guided meditations to share with you on this website.  My dad used visualization to access deep states of peace and calm, which helped him rewire his brain and heal from traumatic experiences. Most of us can benefit from assistance with this, and Hilary is perfect for that. 

Hilary’s website: