Mendek describes a magical experience (no date or place)

From the original manuscript by Mendek Rubin,
”In Quest of the Eternal Sunshine”

About three years ago, on a weekend retreat, I had a most profound emotional experience. It happened while I was making my way through a narrow trail cut into the mountainside. The view was indescribably beautiful. The face of the mountain was sprinkled with little plots of plants and flowers that seemed to be cared for with a great amount of attention and love. It was midday, and the sun was out in all its glory. The valley below me was filled with glittering light. The clear sky, an enchanting deep blue, was embracing the top of a mountain, and the visibility endless. The ocean was less than a mile away, stretching out into the far horizon, eventually blending with the enchanted deep blue from above. I was in a meditative mood.

Out of nowhere, I sensed a stirring, or perhaps a presence, from one of the plots of plants. It was as if someone, or something, was making an effort to communicate with me. There seemed to be a celebration in the air, and I was invited to join the festivities. I became aware of a kinship between the flowers, the plants and myself. It was a sympathetic cord uniting us in a world of fragrance, color, acceptance and understanding. The whole setting was exuding a benevolence that expressed itself naturally and freely, like the radiating sun.  

It appeared to me that this tiny garden was an angelic-like entity in its own right, pulsating with aliveness. It was aware of its own existence, perceiving itself as a spirit or an expression of consciousness. It was sending its beauty and perfume out into the universe, and to everyone passing by, without distinction. In unison, the plants and flowers proudly invited the whole world to pay attention and to join them in freely expressing their glory, and the blissfulness of creation. I was elated, charmed, and beside myself with the wonder of it all. My heart filled with gratitude for the privilege to glimpse Life expressing itself through endless joy, rapture and bliss.

Momentarily, the whole scene appeared to be inhabited by rollicking elves, animated with life and exuberance. I can swear I heard the bushes talking to me, and their words went something like this: “We are so very glad to see you, and we welcome you here. Please stay with us a while longer. We love and appreciate you.” I did not know what to do or think, but my heart was melting. For the rest of the day, I was walking on cloud nine. Maybe nature spirits exist after all, I mused.

The following year I revisited the place, but the magic was nowhere to be found.