Resources & References


Becoming Aware of Inherited Family Trauma


Research suggests that trauma can be inherited, passing through generations.

In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon (founder of Sounds True) speaks with Mark Wolynn about inherited trauma and how it can be the source of unexplained illnesses. Mark explains how the effects of deep trauma ripple across generations, citing the evidence of epigenetic changes following traumatic events.

Click here to listen to the interview from 6/25/19.

Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness


Click here to listen to the interview from 10/13/20.

Hardwiring Happiness


A neuropsychologist explains how to overcome the brain’s negativity bias. Intentionally transform everyday experience into new brain circuitry that supports resilience and well-being.

Click here to watch the TEDx Talk.


Neurons that Fire Together…


If you are interested in the science behind why Mendek’s techniques to change his mind worked so effectively,  this short video (only six minutes) from Dr. Joe Dispenza titled, Neurons that Fire Together Wire Together, gives a great overview on how whenever we make our brain work differently, we are changing our minds. 


Recommended Reading & Viewing

Book: Wounds into Wisdom—Healing Intergenerational Jewish Trauma, by Rabbi Tirzah Firestone, PhD

Book: “The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma,” by Bessel van der Kolk, MD

Book: “In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness,” by Peter Levine

Articles: (From Daily Om) Good information on trauma from two of Peter Levin’s books: Healing Trauma & Waking the Tiger

Video: Joe Dispenza on trauma that clearly explains the healing process Mendek discovered for himself