Selected Poems 

From the original manuscript by Mendek Rubin,
”In Quest of the Eternal Sunshine”


My Subjective Reality

Looking out, the world I “see” from my mind’s eye

Is a world colored by emotions.

If my feelings are tinged by fear, the world is frightening.


Looking out, the world I “see” from my mind’s eye

Is a world colored by beliefs.

If I believe myself to be weak and helpless, others seems stronger and I live in insecurity.


Looking out, the world I see from my mind’s eye

Is a world colored by my needs and drives.

If I need power, if I want conquest, the world becomes a hunting ground for my needs.

Winning, then, is what life is all about,

 Changing the World

For many of us, the goal is to change the world.

We don’t want to change, but we want to change others — the shortcomings of our institutions, and what is wrong with everything.

And yet — are we not all the same, conditioned and driven?

Are we not, all of us, possessed of partial truth only?

And isn’t it still true—

The more we try to change the world, the more it remains the same?

The Striver

I weigh and measure

I compare and judge.

I am the judge,

The jury,

The moralizer,

The blamer,

And I delude myself

With false superiority

By projecting my shortcomings

On others

So I am always busy.


Then I wonder

Is it because

I am always busy

In my mind?

Is that why I don’t see

The light?

Is that why

I am scared?