Awaken Joy

While on vacation this week, I’m sharing one of my father’s positive affirmation poems paired with a lovely 2-minute Take a Moment micro-meditation, “Awaken Joy.” Throughout his life, my dad created hundreds of poetic affirmations to help liberate himself from habitual negative thought patterns and whole-heartedly embrace all that brought him joy and delight. He read them over and over again as part of his healing process. 

My father believed that words wield tremendous power to shape our beliefs, generate emotions, and impact our energetic frequency. In “Awaken Joy,” Katie Dutcher’s words quickly guide us to shift our focus toward what fills our hearts and makes us smile. Enjoy!

I Go For It
by Mendek Rubin

I want all that is delightful and makes my heart rejoice. 

I choose that which is beautiful and makes me smile.

I embrace all that is loving and kind.

I go for what inspires me to sing, dance, and celebrate life!


Take a moment to awaken joy!

Tiny pauses to be right here, right now can have big results. Visit and bookmark our free library of twenty Take a Moment micro-meditations—all under two minutes long—that make taking mindful pauses as easy as possible. We invite you to "Take a Moment" to find the calm that is always within you.


Myra Goodman