The Wind As My Guide

While on vacation this week, I’m sharing a short poem my father wrote about how nature can offer us boundless wisdom about how to navigate our lives with more freedom, strength, peace, and joy. I’ve paired my dad’s inspiring words with one of my favorite Take a Moment micro-meditations, “Stand like a Mountain.” In less than two minutes, Katie Dutcher guides us to embody the energy of a mountain: stable, patient, and mighty. Enjoy!

Wind Guide
by Mendek Rubin

What if I let myself be spontaneous, as if the wind was my guide?

What if I let the blossoming flowers show me what to do? 

What if I asked a growing tree to show me the way? 

I can’t regulate existence or push the river, but I can rest my mind 
in the light, and let the truth guide me.


Take a moment to embody nature!

Tiny pauses to be right here, right now can have big results. Visit and bookmark our free library of twenty Take a Moment micro-meditations—all under two minutes long—that make taking mindful pauses as easy as possible. We invite you to "Take a Moment" to find the calm that is always within you.


Myra Goodman