Dethroning the Mind

Pause to Ponder

Much of my father’s remarkable healing and awakening journey was centered around uncovering the shortcomings of his mind. A brilliant inventor, my dad realized that he’d always glorified his brain, and that giving it total authority over his life had kept him trapped in an endless cycle of suffering. My father believed that we all must learn to “set fire under the throne of the mind’s absolute power, with its arrogance, glamour and despair” if we want to live more joyfully and peacefully, connected to our hearts, in harmony with the greater consciousness of the universe.

In my personal healing journey, it has become increasingly obvious that my mind is overly influenced by my past conditioning, as well as overly expert at conjuring up future threats to my wellbeing. I’m slowly getting better at taking my thoughts less seriously while finding my true inner compass by coming back home to my body in present time. When I read the following lines from The Lion Tracker’s Guide To Life, by lion tracker and life coach Boyd Varty, they rang so true, especially because my personal wakeup call came in the form of a health crisis. I hope you also benefit from pondering Boyd’s words of wisdom.


“Obsessed with thinking, modern culture has forgotten the innate knowledge of the body. How its signals are a guide, how it knows what it needs to be healthy. How it can tell you if something is right for you or not by the way it feels. We must learn to read the subtle tracks of the body, the way it relaxes and opens when something feels right, the contraction and tightness when we are not where we are meant to be. Sometimes the body will have to get sick before we will listen to what it is saying to us…Bringing attention back to the landscape of the body allows you to find the trail of the wild self.”

Boyd Varty


Take a Moment Micro-Meditation

Tiny pauses to be right here, right now can help bring more peace and presence into your life. Visit and bookmark our library of twenty Take a Moment micro-meditations—all under two minutes long—that make taking mindful pauses as easy as possible. We invite you to "Take a Moment" to find the calm that is always within you.