Do You Believe in Angels?

Lately, life seems to be guiding me to open to the presence of angels. One of the nudges happened a few weeks ago, when I listened to a Gabby Bernstein podcast called “How to Talk to Angels,” where she interviewed best-selling author Kyle Gray, a well-known “angel expert” from the UK. “Make no mistake,” Gabby said, “Your angels are always with you.” 

During their conversation, I actually sensed a bright, sparkling, joyous energy that did in fact seem truly “angelic”—a feeling I recognized from the day my father died ten years ago, when the air was charged with peace, light, and love, and I sensed beings from another realm had joined us.

Traditionally depicted as supernatural beings who serve God, angels have long been acknowledged by many of the world’s most established religions. Yet nowadays, for many of us in the Western world, the concept feels farfetched. However, for me, the countless powerful experiences I’ve had with “unscientifically proven” phenomenon like astrology and mediumship keep me openminded to realms we can’t perceive with our physical senses alone. 

Listening to the podcast, I was fascinated to learn that Kyle believes that all of us have a guardian angel who has been with us since our soul’s creation—an angel companion who loves and accepts us unconditionally. On Instagram, he wrote, “Before your incarnation on Earth, you danced across the stars together. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or alone, know that your angel guide is with you to share their love and make you feel safe. You never walk this path alone—angels are always there to light the way.”


Magick Guardian, from Angels & Ancestors Oracle, by Kyle Gray & Lily Moses


While we often try to do everything on our own, Kyle says our angels actually want to hear from us, and when we consciously invite their help, they can lend us their full support. “No request is too much,” he wrote. “Your angel guide was made for you and is dedicated to you.” 

Intrigued, I discussed this idea with Hilary Nicholls, the magically effective energy healer I’ve worked with for fourteen years. Hilary, who has a strong connection with other realms, told me that she resonated with Kyle’s take on angels, and that she’s experiences the energy of both her angels and other spirit guides since she was seventeen, when she first discovered different dimensions of consciousness and the beings that dwell there. 

“Angels are delighted when we ask for help, and I’ve been helping people connect with their guiding spirits for a long time.” Hilary said. “I always invite my angels and guides to my healing sessions to help bring in the energy that will best serve my client. My role is as a facilitator and sometimes as an interpreter of the messages that are received. But I always tell people that ultimately, the messages they receive directly are the most important. They are their own best intuitive and healer.”

Our Soul’s Journey

Hilary believes that we all simultaneously exist on other dimensions as well as on this earthly plane, but most of us are only aware of the narrow band of perception our five senses detect on the physical dimension. She says that each incarnation is like a dream—a temporary identity for learning and growing in service of our soul’s evolution so we can gain experience, wisdom and compassion. “There is a plan for each life. We come in with both gifts to share and challenges to overcome. We don’t know exactly how everything will unfold because we have free will. Our choices determine our trajectory, both individually and within our collective.” 


Archangel Michael, from Keepers of the Light Oracle, by Kyle Gray & Lily Moses


According to Hilary, when we are born on this planet, there is a “veil of forgetting” placed over us so that we don’t remember our previous lifetimes and can focus on learning the lessons meant for us from the unique perspective of this one. “But our angels and guides hold the larger view. They have full vision and complete knowing from where they vibrate. The earth is a difficult place to be, and our angels and guides are here to remind us of our true nature, to help us along in our ‘dream’ of this lifetime.” But Hilary also cautions that when we ask for help out of a desire to manipulate or a need to gain control, it’s like “stepping on a garden hose”—the results are dampened. 

Our spirit guides are more like “graduates” who have had many embodiments where they met and overcame challenges similar to the ones we face. “The soul’s journey is the hero’s journey, and we do get lost along the way. There can be some pretty dark places and stages, but there is always the opportunity to find our way back to the light.”

Hilary believes we are all made of the same light as our spirit guides, and that our relationship with these spirits defy time and space. “Angels are benevolent helpers equipped to assist us from their vantage point, a place of fine-tuned vibration. Though angels are souls just like we are, they are unhindered by the density of the earthly dimension and can help uplift us by radiating powerful frequencies of healing light and unconditional love.”

According to Hilary, we receive help all the time, even when we’re not aware of it. “In reality, we are in constant connection with our spirit helpers,” Hilary says. “While we may have an experience of separateness here on earth, we are actually not separate at all. The possibilities for connection and assistance are endless.”


Air Guardian, from Angels & Ancestors Oracle, by Kyle Gray & Lily Moses


For instance, Hilary has an angelic helper who emanates the quality of serenity that she often calls on during her healing sessions. “I carry that frequency too, and together we’re able to amplify it, which helps to bring calm and peace to the people I work with so that they can more fully receive the energies of the session and heal in a deep way.”

How to Talk to Angels

Angel expert Kyle Gray assures us that talking to angels is easy to do. “Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations possible. When we are in gratitude, angels are close by.”  He suggests that we take the time to have an “easy and informal conversation” with our angels, speaking openly and in a heartfelt way about our life, the challenges we’re facing, and anything we need help with. He also reminds us to thank them, silently or out loud, even when things are going well. “When you’re developing a connection to the angels, you don’t want to be that friend that just shows up when things go wrong,” Kyle says.

Kyle shared examples of prayers of gratitude that we can use to invoke our angels, and he assures us that nothing is too big for angels to deal with:

Angels, thank you for revealing to me what I need to know. 

Angels, thank you for reminding me that you’re here with me. 

Angels, thank you for laying your hands of light upon this situation and everyone involved. 


Charity, from Keepers of the Light Oracle, by Kyle Gray & Lily Moses


Kyle encourages us to look for and believe the signs that angels constantly show to confirm their presence. Perhaps that is what I was experiencing these past weeks while I was contemplating whether or not to write this blog—I kept hearing songs about angels whenever I turned on the radio! Kyle also believes that we are often unknowingly called up to be an “angel’s angel.” He offers the following homework assignment: “Whenever you feel called to express love or kindness to someone, act on it! That hit of inspiration could be the presence of an angel coming through you.”

My wise father, Mendek Rubin, mentioned angels frequently in his manuscript that formed the foundation of Quest for Eternal Sunshine. In fact, the very first words in his prologue are, “As children in Poland, we were told that just before we were born, our guardian angels snapped their fingers under our noses so that we would forget everything we had ever known. That is how we forgot about love. Our reason for being here on earth is to discover love all over again.”

When my dad wrote about the ecstatic experiences he’d had during his awakening journey, he often described the magic and love he perceived in the universe as “angelic.” He said that one of the most important qualities we can learn from children is their innocent capacity to believe. “It is what makes their experience exist outside the confines of time and space, into the dimensions where the angels and spirits reside.” 

My father believed that if humans ever achieve our potential for greatness, we will become “free people, children of the universe who can hear the angels sing.” And he pondered,  “Perhaps we are truly angels, pretending we are something else. Could we all be angels who just don’t know it?”  Hilary believes that yes, indeed we are…