Get Grounded for the New Year

The New Year is here, bringing new opportunities for joy, connection and fresh beginnings. But at the same, we’re still contending with the hardships and anxieties related to this pandemic and the many other critical issues our world is facing—all in addition to the unique stresses and challenges within our own lives. Wanting to live more centered and at peace through it all has motivated me to deepen my skills in getting and staying grounded in 2022, which is why I want to share the wonderful practices I’m learning with you.

Grounding means establishing a strong, conscious connection to the slow, calming frequencies of Planet Earth. For people like me—those who live much of our lives up high in our heads, readily spinning into the frenetic world of thoughts and worries—being able to ground effectively is a powerful antidote to this emotionally and physically draining pattern.

I’ve been learning about grounding from a renowned expert in the field—energy healer, teacher and author, Wendy De Rosa, whose work I’ve written about in Spirituality & Health magazine. Her practices have been tremendously helpful for settling my nervous system and quieting my mind, no matter what’s going on around me.

In the special “Get Grounded for the New Year” meditation below, Wendy asks us to imagine a “grounding cord” in the form of a tree trunk secured to our hips and pelvis that extends all the way down the center of the earth, its roots wrapping around the earth’s core. This grounding cord, which generates a sensation akin to a magnified gravitational pull, makes me feel safely held so I can settle and center, and it also provides an effective way to direct and release energies and emotions that feel challenging or overwhelming down into the earth. This visualization is fast becoming my go-to practice when I feel frazzled or worried, and it works every time.

Wendy’s teachings remind me of one of the most important lessons I learned from my father while I was writing Quest for Eternal Sunshine—that intention and visualization are powerful gifts we can access any time for healing, transformation, and emotional and spiritual nourishment.

I’m thrilled that Wendy will be leading our first Quest for Eternal Sunshine free event of 2022—Get Grounded for the New Year, next Saturday, January 15, from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM Pacific. Wendy’s teachings are wonderful and she embodies them fully. Just being in her presence a calming pleasure that is naturally grounding.

Enjoy the following short article I wrote for Spirituality & Health magazine, as well as Wendy’s lovely 15-minute guided meditation. I hope you’ll join us for an hour next Saturday to meet Wendy, learn about different ways to ground, and set your intentions for a joyous and fulfilling New Year.

Happy 2022!


Sign up for our free event, Get Grounded for the New Year, on January 15th 


Watch Wendy’s guided meditation to get grounded for a great New Year

Read “Get Grounded for the New Year” in Spirituality & Health magazine