Happy Valentines Day!


My father once wrote, “As children in Poland, we were told that just before we were born, our guardian angels snapped their fingers under our noses so that we would forget everything we had ever known. This is how we forgot about love. The reason for our being here on earth is to rediscover love all over again.”

I was so moved by these words that I made them Mendek’s first in Quest for Eternal Sunshine. My dad wasn’t limiting his definition of love to the romantic kind. He frequently said that love is the strongest force in the universe and that it never dies. But when I think about the love between my parents, it had a magical quality, as if the universe had long conspired to bring them together.

Theirs was love at first sight. From the time they met, they lit up the world for each other. My father credits my mother with nudging him out of his comfort zone and motivating the healing process that became the biggest passion of his life.

I missed the opportunity to interview my father about his life, but I’m not making the same mistake with my mother. Here she is at ninety-one (in a seven-minute video), recalling how she and my dad met and decided to marry after only nine dates.


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Myra Goodman