Standing in a Circle of Peace

During this challenging time in history, my father’s philosophy and healing journey have provided a tremendous anchor and inspiration for me. Despite enduring inconceivable horrors, brutality and loss during the Holocaust, my father was eventually able to live a life filled with deep peace and joy.  He viewed his quest to overcome his suffering as one of finally coming home to love.

I feel as if my father is participating in our Circles of Light from another realm, thrilled that so many of us are gathering to lean into love as we try to end the deadly cycles of hate, division and revenge so rampant in our world. My father’s deepest wish was that humanity would wake up to the truth that we are one extended family. He’d want us to realize that all the identifications that we think separate us—such as race, religion, gender and nationality—are inconsequential compared to the ways we inextricably connected.

My father believed that our task on earth includes more than just resolving the difficulties of our own lives, but also an effort, no matter how small, to change humankind’s pattern of development so we can all become more loving and harmonious.

He wrote, “I believe we are all children of a benevolent cosmos, and at the core of our being, each one of us is the divine individualized. Everything is made of energy; nothing is isolated. We are all connected by love, and our heart as our center of gravity is always our truest and most helpful guide.”

This week, I am happy to share the following quotes— each is one of my favorites from our five Circles of Light collaborators. They all express sentiments that my father would have wholeheartedly agreed with.

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It’s not too late to sign up for Quest for Eternal Sunshine’s live Circle of Light! There are two more scheduled—Tuesday 10/27, and 11/3 (Election Day)—starting at 5:20 PM Pacific and lasting twenty minutes.

For those of you that haven’t yet discovered Quest for Eternal Sunshine on social media, we’re constantly sharing inspiring bits of wisdom in the form of quotes and stunning photos on Facebook and Instagram, so please check out our posts and follow us.


Until next week!


Myra GoodmanCircle of Light