Finding Our Way Home
This past Tuesday, people from all over the country came together to amplify the energetic impact of focusing on their deepest wishes for the world. Collectively, participants in Circles of Light envisioned a healthy planet and a human family unified in their commitment to cooperation, justice and kindness. We didn’t question whether our visions were “realistic” or not, because we should never let the past limit our dreams for the future. Instead, we allowed ourselves to envision a time when humanity finally breaks free from its long history of self-destructive beliefs and behaviors to live in harmony with each other and Mother Earth.
Debra Silverman, one of our five sagacious Circle of Light collaborators, penned in her book, The Missing Element (published in 2016), “As an astrologer I can tell you that we’re swiftly moving into a major crisis. There are indicators to say that the world as we knew it is over. It won’t matter to the Earth whether humans wake up with a soft touch or not. Evolution will march on without us, as it did with the dinosaurs, indifferent to our pain. The question is: Are you feeling the nudges and listening to the wake-up calls?”
Debra Silverman
In 2020, these “nudges” have been more like violent shoves. I pray that as a species we can respond swiftly, with intelligence and determination. “Pain is a doorway to humility and wisdom,” Debra explains, “And there is plenty of personal and global pain to keep us busy right now. The doorway is wide open.”
One of the reasons I established Circles of Light was to create a way to recharge ourselves and restore our optimism during these challenging times. Collectively tuning into the benevolent energies of the universe is immensely nourishing on all levels—physically, psychologically and spiritually. For me, Tuesday’s Circle of Light felt similar to looking up at the sky during a clear night, far from any city lights. Surrounded by countless sparkling stars, the energy of the universe is simultaneously energizing, awe-inspiring and humbling. My individual story can easily drop away into the vast timelessness of creation.
We can all tune into the transformative energies we experience in Circles of Light at any time or place, not just on Tuesday evenings during scheduled circles. A great entryway to use the wonderful guided meditations created by our generous collaborators on our Circles of Light page.
Quest’s live Circle of Light will continue for three more weeks, and we’d love for you to join us. You can also participate in a way that feels right to you, even if it’s simply closing your eyes right now, taking a few deep breaths, and then spending one minute envisioning a kind and healthy world, noticing how good that makes you feel.
“Each one of us has the power to create an energetic vibrancy through our personal expression that impacts everything,” says Debra, “That’s how we begin to change the world. We heal one person at a time, and we start with ourselves. My prayer is that we as a species will survive this narrow entrance into the next age and find our way home.”
With wishes for healing, health and happiness,
Try a Standing Qigong-Inspired Circle of Light Meditation!
I love our newest Circle if Light recording—a standing qigong-inspired 10-minute guided visualization created by Cain Carroll. I plan on practicing it often, and urge you to give it a try, paying attention to how you feel before and after the practice. It’s a perfect break from the unrelenting worrisome news, bringing deep healing, connection and rejuvenation. Enjoy!