The Energy of Peace


Pause to Ponder

Today I’m sharing some wisdom from Diego Perez’s newest book, “The Way Forward.” Diego writes under the pen name Yung Pueblo, which means “young people.” The name is meant to convey an optimistic outlook for humanity—that we’re entering an era where many of us will experience expanded self-awareness, growth and healing.


“Your healing creates waves that are consciously and unconsciously felt by others. The vibration or energy you emit moves outward and influences your environment and those in it. Your peace can be felt by others and invites them to remain in tune with the peace they already carry within themselves. 

Your sense of balance during difficult times is not only a pillar others can lean on, it shows them that they, too, can remain calm during a storm. Sometimes people may even say to you, ‘it feels great and calming to be around you.’ 

What we feel within us functions like an invitation for others to join us and feel the same, whether it is dense and heavy emotions or light and caring ones. When someone close to you gets angry, it’s easy to match that anger with your own because the wounds of the past remain deep within your subconscious and are easily activated and pulled to the surface. 

A powerful sign of maturity is the ability to dwell in the mind-state of your choice, even when others fill your shared space with negativity. Being able to live within the energy of your choosing is a sign of great emotional development. 

When you choose peace, it supports the peace in others.”

—Yung Pueblo


Take a Moment Micro-Meditation


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