Tuning in to the Eternal Sunshine
During times of turmoil, when much of the suffering we witness and experience is beyond our control, it’s more important than ever to access an inner state of peace by calming our nervous system, quieting our mind, and connecting with forces greater than ourselves. Being grounded and clear-headed allows us to bring more compassion and creative solutions into the world.
As qigong master Lee Holden says, “We all need to be good caretakers of ourselves and prioritize our own health and inner peace, no matter what’s going on around us. While it isn’t always possible to remove an outer problem, we do have the ability to change our response and our inner state of consciousness.”
That’s why today I’m happy to share Lee’s beautiful 16-minute meditation, “Dissolving into Energy.” Lee guides us to release tension in our minds and bodies, and then connects us with powerful golden light for healing and nourishment—a light reminiscent of the “eternal sunshine” my father searched for and wholeheartedly embraced.
I hope you enjoy Lee’s meditation as much as I do, and it inspires you to join us next Saturday for our free, online event, “Discover the Magic of Slowing Down.”