Chakras & Grounding
Featuring the work of Wendy De Rosa
Wendy De Rosa is an international intuitive energy healer, speaker, teacher, and author. For more than two decades Wendy has offered education and training programs for spiritual and personal growth to thousands of people wanting to develop their intuition and experience personal transformation. She is the founder of the School of Intuitive Studies and the Intuitive Healer Training Program & Certification, and is a faculty member at The Shift Network. Wendy’s most recent book is Becoming an Empowered Empath: How to Clear Energy, Set Boundaries & Embody Your Intuition.
Wendy’s powerful approach to healing centers around the energetic body. “In school, we learn about the nervous system, the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system, and more, but we never learn about energetic anatomy. Our energetic system, which includes our seven chakras, underlies our nervous system, so everything that we’re carrying on an energetic level impacts how we feel and respond to the world.”
Chakras are the power centers in our bodies first written about in ancient Vedic Hindu texts thousands of years ago. We each have seven of them: the first is the root chakra (located at our tailbone), then comes the sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra, and the seventh is the crown chakra, located just above the top of our head. When energy flows freely through all of our chakras, we experience greater physical and emotional health and vitality, as well as a more conscious connection to the Divine.
Grounding means connecting our body’s energy with the energy of the earth. “The earth’s energy is slow, so tuning into its rhythm quiets our spinning minds, calms our anxieties, and helps us feel safe, centered, and restored. In this state, we can decipher our hearts’ truest desires and know what we want to manifest in our lives.”
Aside from being in nature, Wendy’s favorite method to ground is to visualize a grounding cord in the form of a tree trunk that is secured to the sides of our hips and to the front and back of our pelvis. “Imagine that this tree trunk extends deep beneath the earth’s crust. It sprouts roots that wrap around the core of the earth where the rhythm and frequency are much slower than how we operate on the surface. This grounding cord supplies vital life-force energy that nourishes our organs, supports our energetic anatomy, and calms our nervous system.”
When we feel protected and soothed—securely held by Mother Earth and attuned to her vibration—we are able to settle down. Through our grounding cord, we can inhale safety and trust, and exhale any conscious or subconscious fears about existing on this planet. “When we feel anxious, scattered, or out of balance, it is incredibly helpful to direct the energy flowing in and around our body into the earth.”
Try Wendy’s guided meditations for grounding and chakra healing.
Enjoy Wendy’s 15-Minute Grounding Meditation
Get Grounded for the New Year Quest for Eternal Sunshine event recording
Articles in Spirituality & Health magazine by Myra that feature Wendy’s work and guided meditations
6-minute Waterfall of Grace chakra balancing guided visualization
7-minute Healthy Boundaries From the Inside Out guided visualization
15-minute Get Grounded for the New Year guided meditation