Posts tagged Seasons
Tuning In to the Wisdom of Winter

Winter marks another completion around the sun—a perfect occasion to contemplate what brings us the most joy and nourishment. Just like pruning dormant trees in the winter removes damaged branches and overcrowding to yield a healthy and bountiful crop come summer, winter can summon us to slow down and think about how reduce what is depleting and unnecessary in our lives so we can focus our precious time and energy on creating more ease, happiness and fulfillment.

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Harvest the Healing Energy of Fall

Mid-September—how I love this time of year! As someone who naturally wakes with the morning sun, I’m sleeping later with the longer nights. I enjoy how dusk arrives not too long after dinner, giving me plenty of time to settle down before bedtime. The days are still warm, but the nights are beginning to have a pleasant crisp chill that freshens the air.

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