Now is a Good Time for Awakening

Last summer, when I began to prepare for the April release of Quest for Eternal Sunshine, there was no way I could have imagined the state of the world today. A joke I heard long ago seems especially apropos today:

Q: How do you make God laugh?

A: Tell him (or her) your plans

On this wild ride of being human—where we are biologically wired to search for safety and security—we can cling to the illusion of being in control and forget that we live in an uncertain world. This pandemic is reminding us of our vulnerability, as well as the transitory nature of our physical form.

My drive to publish Quest for Eternal Sunshine came from wanting to share my father’s inspiring legacy of resilience, healing, wisdom and love. When Mendek reflected back on the Holocaust, he saw how much of our unbroken cycle of suffering comes from our identification with the ways we are different (a German, a Jew, a gypsy)—mostly destructive illusions created by a continuous cycle of conditioning. He was certain that when we change our beliefs, we change the world.

One of my father’s main messages is that if we want a more peaceful future, we must remember that we are one single, interconnected human family.  I believe he would view this pandemic as a unique opportunity to help us awaken to that essential truth. 

He wrote, “My journey may seem unique, but I believe I represent humankind as a whole. Within myself, I have discovered all the ills that beset the human race—pettiness, cruelty, selfishness, and foolishness. I have also found the sorrows that we all share, as well as kindness, love, and understanding. 

“I believe we are all children of a benevolent cosmos, and at the core of our being, each of us is the divine individualized. Everything is made of energy; nothing is isolated. We are all connected by love, and our heart as our center of gravity is always our truest and most helpful guide.”

The journey continues!


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