Now is a Good Time to Be Peaceful

During this very challenging time, I’ve been following in my father’s footsteps and embracing the enormous power of positive affirmations. As someone who has always worried about physical safety, clings to reliable routines, and hates to change plans, this pandemic is giving me ample opportunity to practice trust and flexibility. It’s also making me even more motivated to foster a state of tranquility within myself that is independent of what is happening in the outside world.

This week, my Mendek-inspired affirmation has been, “Now is a good time to be peaceful.” When that is top of mind, it’s easier to find peace in the little moments of my day. The key is staying grounded in my body and focused on the here and now, which makes it’s tougher for my mind to pull me on a wild anxiety-filled ride.

Many people believe that they don’t have the time to incorporate meditation or relaxation into their busy lives, so perhaps this period of forced confinement offers a novel opportunity and incentive. One of the most constructive things we can do right now is take good care of ourselves so our immune systems remain strong. Learning to access a place of peace regardless of outside circumstances will reduce our stress and help us stay healthy and resilient. 

Wishing you good health and peace,


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