Posts tagged Lessons from Mendek
Father’s Day 2024—The Limitless Power of Love

With Father’s Day arriving this Sunday, I’ve been thinking about how to best honor my own father, Mendek Rubin—the gentle, loving man and brilliant inventor who is the inspiration behind this entire Quest for Eternal Sunshine platform of blog posts, free events and healing resources. I feel immensely grateful to have had a father relentlessly devoted to healing his trauma.

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The Winner is the Loser

My father, Mendek Rubin, repeated a small handful of phrases quite often. The meaning of some were quite clear (for example, “Be good, but if you can’t be good, be careful!”) while others still remain inscrutable to me (such as, “Don’t do things!”) Today I’m writing about one of his provocative sayings that I could never fully decipher until just a few weeks ago—“The winner is the loser, and the loser is the winner.” It happened when I lost the New York Times’ Wordle game after a long winning streak.

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Taking an Ego Scan

My father, Mendek Rubin, often talked about his ego, which he viewed as an insecure part of himself that continually craved admiration and reassurance from the outside world. In the course of his healing journey, he became increasingly aware of all the ways his ego perennially tried to mold him into the person he believed he should be, which often meant rejecting the person he actually was.

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Breaking Free

Looking back at 2022, one reason it was an extra-special year for me is that I embraced a delightful new hobby: I started playing the guitar! This was a huge leap for me because although I love music, I’ve always been convinced that I had no talent for it whatsoever. For decades, I’ve maintained that I have “the worst voice in the world.”

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Finding Freedom Through Forgiveness

Forgiving people who have caused us pain is challenging. When I’m not offered an effusive apology, forgiving rarely comes easily for me. My emotional underbelly is very tender, and old wounds tend to keep their sting. That’s why I’ve recently turned to my father’s teachings about the power of forgiveness.

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“Grandpa Says”—A Song of Love for Father’s Day

Today, in honor of Father’s Day, I’m featuring something special: “Grandpa Says”—a song that shares my father’s philosophy and loving heart in the most delightful way. It’s performed by his talented granddaughter, Nina Harmer, and features footage of my father with my sister and me from the early 1960s, as well with his grandchildren from their birth until the end of his life.

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A Beacon of Light

This week marks the second anniversary of the publication of Quest for Eternal Sunshine—A Holocaust Survivor’s Journey from Darkness to Light, the spiritual memoir I posthumously co-authored with my father, Mendek Rubin. Being able to learn and share my father’s remarkable story and deep wisdom has been one of the biggest blessings of my entire life. Since writing the book, I always feel my dad close to me. He continues to be my teacher, sharing important life lessons as I am ready to receive them.

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Write Your Own Script

“You don’t see the world as it is—you see the world as you are.” This ancient piece of wisdom from the Talmud is something my father discovered for himself during his healing journey. As he worked through his trauma from childhood and the Holocaust while retraining his mind to let go of suffering and embrace joy, he came to realize that the bleak, indifferent universe he’d lived in for decades was actually the result of his own projections.

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Reclaiming Magic

My father was fascinated by magic. He mused about it in his writings and often pondered its nature and role in the world. For my father, magic wasn’t focused on sorcery or sleight-of-hand. It was about pushing past the boundaries of our mind’s limiting conditioning with an inner certainty that there is more to the universe—and ourselves—than we can ever fully see or comprehend.

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Savor the Present Moment

I have had two clear “awakening” experiences in my life. The first was as a third grader in Brooklyn when my class took a trip to tour Pete Seeger’s boat. As I lay on the deck with my eyes closed, palms resting against the polished wood, a strong sense of awe and reverence filled me. The sun warmed my face as the boat rocked gently on the water, and I suddenly had the best feeling of my entire life: CONNECTION.

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My father believed that shallow breathing was “endemic to our day and age”—an indication of how much tension we hold in our bodies and how often we routinely suppress our feelings. He was convinced that changing how we breathe can lead directly to deep relaxation and profound healing.

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Let Go of Expectations and Comparisons

My dad once wrote: “Whenever I compare myself or my life against my ideas of perfection, I come out the loser. Nothing is perfect—not my family, not my job, not my body. If I have to wait for perfection to be happy, I will surely be waiting forever. The very belief that life should be a certain way—that I should feel happy—greatly contributes to my unhappiness.”

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Happy Anniversary "Quest for Eternal Sunshine!"

This week marks the one year anniversary of the publication of Quest for Eternal Sunshine—A Holocaust Survivor’s Journey from Darkness to Light, a book based on an unfinished manuscript my father, Mendek Rubin, left behind when he died in 2012. The four years I spent researching and completing the book transformed my life in significant and unexpected ways.

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