Posts tagged Boundaries
Building Better Boundaries

The holiday season, which can often feel hectic and overwhelming, is a great time to spotlight the importance of setting healthy boundaries. To me, this means making my physical and emotional needs a top priority, which includes choosing to advocate for them rather than abandon myself. It means being brave enough to say no, which requires a willingness to face negative reactions and pushback. It means working to break free from the entrenched people-pleasing patterns I’ve had for as long as I can remember. 

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Healthy Boundaries from the Inside Out

I have what psychologists call “porous boundaries.” Common characteristics of such boundaries describe me perfectly: fearing rejection when I don’t comply with other’s expectations, overexplaining and feeling bad when I say no, getting over-involved in other people’s problems, and a tendency toward oversharing. My porous boundaries extend emotionally and energetically as well—when I’m with someone who has an upset stomach, I often begin to feel sick too.

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